HSM Safety Management

Call Us: 0114 2631329

Email Us: info@hsmsafety.co.uk

A health and safety consultancy dedicated to providing consultancy, training and CDM Coordinator services

HSM Safety Management provide health and safety consultancy, training and also act as CDM Coordinator. The re naming of Highcliffe Safety Services as HSM Safety Management is part of the strategic development of the company which will continue to build on the base of the preceding nine years providing consultancy, training and CDM Coordinator services.

HSM Safety Management is the rebranded evolution of Highcliffe Safety Servicers, founded in 2003 by Chris Perry. Holding both an MBA and Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Management clients are able to benefit from this synthesis of Management and Health and Safety training allied to twenty four year’s industrial experience. Chris is a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health and was made Chartered in 2005. Continual Professional Development is undertaken to maintain this status.

HSM Safety Management will continue to build on the previous nine years of successful delivery of Health and Safety consultancy to our clients.

Biography and work Profile

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Our Services

  • Risk Assessment
  • Competent Person Service
  • Training
  • Construction Industry
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Site Induction Pocket Guide
  • Noise Assessment
  • DSE Workstation Assessments
  • CDM Coordinator

Further Information

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi sed nisi est, vitae convallis nulla. Nunc vestibulum ipsum nec libero sodales dignissim. Nulla ac libero neque, sit amet convallis leo. Aenean sodales, augue venenatis posuere fermentum, tellus velit vestibulum libero, ut elementum ipsum erat sed tellus.

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